Friday 19 November 2010

College Magazine Front Cover Layout!

Here is an idea for a layout for the front cover of my music magazine. I decided to put the masthead at the top in big lettering so that the name of the magazine is clear to the reader. I put the stories of the magazine around the outside of the cover so that the main focus of the background image cant be hidden behind any font or other article pictures. the background image is about the whiole magazine therefore as this magazine is a music magazine the image is one we have taken of a fake group/singer.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Technique 3 - Angle!

This technique focus' on the angle of the camera. the camera can be twisted and turned into different positions to get different angles of photographs. This photograph shows that the camera has been twisted to the right causing the people in the photo to become diagonal across the frame.

This second photograph has been taken from a lower point of view so that the person in the photo is being looked at from below.

Technique 2 - Rule of Thirds!

The Rule of Thirds is when the main focus of the photograph takes up one third of the frame causing the audience to look directly at the main focus but so that the photograph also shows background pattern. in these photos, the main attractions are found in the right hand third of the frame.

Technique 1 - Vanishing Point!

Here are some examples of vanishing point photographs. a photograph using the technique of a vanishing point shows depth and distance within the photo. it shows objects closer to the camera on the sides with a central point being something in the distance and preferably something like a fence which i have used as something representing objects getting further away.